Meifu Shinkage Ryu shurikenjutsu
Shinda Muteki - pokud tvé shurikenjutsu bude opravdové, bude neporazitelné
Koryukai Dojo 光龍会provides authentic japanese martial arts.
8th January 2012 in Japan on Kagami Biraki (opening ceremony training of New year) in Bujinkan Hombu Dojo was Shihan Filip Bartoš awarded by Soke Hatsumi Masaaki and received from him martial art´s name – KO RYU 光龍 (Light Dragon).
And it was the reason why Filip Bartoš 1.1.2014 established and renamed his dojo to KORYUKAI 光龍会as organization of traditional japanese martial arts. This organization teachs broad spectrum of various traditional japanese martial arts so that´s why each candidate can choose what is the best for him and what he would like to devote.
KORYUKAI DOJO is the official representative of Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, the ONLY representative of Meifu Shinkage Ryu shurikenjutsu in Czech Republic, the official representative of Toyama Ryu Batto Jutsu and the ONLY representative of Mugai Ryu Iaido in Czech Republic. Also we have permission to lead Keikokai (training group) Kashima Shinden Jikishinkage Ryu.
We offer the following courses:
KORYUKAI includes the philosophy of the japanese martial arts, develops students in accomplish himself, respects everyone and everything in the daily life and in the training.
We focus on personal and individual training environment, with a lot of attention to the development of the students skill and integrity in Budo.
KORYUKAI is the essence of Japanese martial arts and a the way of the Budo. Plain, clear beauty and efficiency. Koryukai contains no superfluous or pointless movements, every movement has a deeper and practical sense which is also taught.
KORYUKAI DOJO is an official member of the Bujinkan Shidoshi-kai Instructors Association, Mugai Ryu European Federation and Shidokai Society.
Koryukai Dojo 光龍会provides authentic japanese martial arts.
8th January 2012 in Japan on Kagami Biraki (opening ceremony training of New year) in Bujinkan Hombu Dojo was Shihan Filip Bartoš awarded by Soke Hatsumi Masaaki and received from him martial art´s name – KO RYU 光龍 (Light Dragon).
And it was the reason why Filip Bartoš 1.1.2014 established and renamed his dojo to KORYUKAI 光龍会as organization of traditional japanese martial arts. This organization teachs broad spectrum of various traditional japanese martial arts so that´s why each candidate can choose what is the best for him and what he would like to devote.
KORYUKAI DOJO is the official representative of Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, the ONLY representative of Meifu Shinkage Ryu shurikenjutsu in Czech Republic, the official representative of Toyama Ryu Batto Jutsu and the ONLY representative of Mugai Ryu Iaido in Czech Republic. Also we have permission to lead Keikokai (training group) Kashima Shinden Jikishinkage Ryu.
We offer the following courses:
KORYUKAI includes the philosophy of the japanese martial arts, develops students in accomplish himself, respects everyone and everything in the daily life and in the training.
We focus on personal and individual training environment, with a lot of attention to the development of the students skill and integrity in Budo.
KORYUKAI is the essence of Japanese martial arts and a the way of the Budo. Plain, clear beauty and efficiency. Koryukai contains no superfluous or pointless movements, every movement has a deeper and practical sense which is also taught.
KORYUKAI DOJO is an official member of the Bujinkan Shidoshi-kai Instructors Association, Mugai Ryu European Federation and Shidokai Society.